"This is so unusual, and I don't know whether or not it's a lesson from God," Karim said.Iraqpundit writes:
It might sound funny, but we do believe it's a good sign. To us, it's like manna from Heaven. Because while it does snow in the north of Iraq, nobody had seen it snow in Baghdad for perhaps 100 years. It's only natural for us to ask what message the skies are sending.From the Reuters story:
Wow. When it snows here, all I hope for is school closings. Need to raise my sights."A few minutes ago, I was covered with snowflakes. In my hair, on my shoulders. I invite all the people to enjoy peace, because the snow means peace," he said.
Traffic policeman Murtadha Fadhil, huddling under a balcony to keep dry, declared the snow "a new sign of the new Iraq."
"It's a sign of hope. We hope Iraqis will purify their hearts and politicians will work for the prosperity of all Iraqis."
Update: Maybe it was an omen: a de-de-Baathification law passes Iraqi parliament.