B- - - - Set Me Up!

A friend just sent me this: Obama takes a shot at Bush's new family planning appointee.
Her troubling history of opposing federal funding for these programs threatens the right of women and families to access these important resources.
Imagine thinking that tax-payer-funded family-planning resources for the underprivileged might more profitably be spent on abstinence education, health screening and prenatal care than condoms (which, as we all know, are expensive; difficult to attain unless you go to a pharmacy, grocery store, or public restroom; and not-generally-known-about, what with all that advertising on tv, radio, magazines, billboards, school sex-ed classes, movies, novels, advice columns & playground talk)? Yeah, she's a freak.

Surprisingly, the NRO folk (who, being Conservative, are not supposed to like public funding of anything) were humming the Planned Parenthood tune, too --at least until Steve Hayward stepped in with the news that the MSM might not be playing fair.

FYI, Ms. Orr's Jerusalem & Athens comes highly recommended by Fr. Schall as important reading for the liberally educated mind. And I happen to know she's excellent at family planning, since she set me up with Mr. W. For which I'm supremely grateful. (Most days.)